No submissions about memes, jokes, meta, or hypothetical / dream builds.No titles that are all-caps, clickbait, PSAs, pro-tips or contain emoji.No submissions about retailer or customer service experiences.No submissions about sales, deals or unauthorized giveaways.No submissions about hardware news, rumors, or reviews.It's a good performer but could use a few more gamer-centric. Please keep in mind that we are here to help you build a computer, not to build it for you. The Asus VG248QE is a 24-inch gaming monitor featuring a 144Hz refresh rate, a speedy pixel response, and a highly adjustable stand. The ASUS VG248QE 144Hz fast gaming monitors half the effects of motion blur to deliver a perceivable difference for natural movement and crisp edges on fast paced gaming environments. Submit Build Help/Ready post Submit Troubleshooting post Submit other post New Here? BuildAPC Beginner's Guide Live Chat on Discord Daily Simple Questions threads